Sunday, November 25, 2012

When in New York ...

A last holiday post.  I hope you don't mind.  

The wonderful colors of Marimekko! I love the bold colors and designs that are the brand Marimekko and was rather pleased to find the NYC flagship store - with the help of several enables - located on Fifth Avenue (23rd st).  The store is filled with fabric, clothing, housewares, bags and accessories.

My fabric purchases (again, I think I showed great restraint):

And very last ...

It is remarkable what you stumble upon when you decide to head off without a map:  an Orla Kiely store located just around the corner from Purl Soho.

 5 Mercer Street, NYC.

No fabric here, but loads of color and design inspiration.

Now back to my regular program.  It is great to be home!



  1. We just papered our new bathroom in a Marimekko print. I am in love.

  2. I'm not sure I would have exercized that much restraint! So much eye candy!

  3. Oh my! You certainly did show great restraint!

  4. Thanks for the pics..just like being there..only cheaper. Love the way they display the bolts of fabric in the first pics. It does take a while to settle after a great trip that's for sure.

  5. Did you know Marimekko opened stores in Sydney and Melbourne this month?!

  6. Arghghghg, I live in NYC, have been to Purl Soho several times and had no idea there was an Orla Kiely store! Must go.

  7. Great restraint. Love the eye candy! Thanks!

  8. Love the poppies,too

  9. Kauniita kankaita olet ostanut, ja kiva kun pidät Marimekon kankaista. Pidän niistä myös itse, mutta ovat niin kalliita täällä Suomessa, ettei voi ostaa kovinkaan paljon, muuta kun kirpparilta joskus löytää halpoja paloja, kun jotkut haluavat luopua Marimekko kangaistaan! Teet ihania peittoja ja ihanan värikylläisiä pidän niistä! Hyvää viikkoa sinulle!

  10. Thank you! That was well worth a last holiday post! I could have brought home a suitcase full of mugs..let alone the fabric..and the Orla Kiely cushions!

  11. You can posts those kind of awesome posts anytime you want! Wow! Thanks!

  12. What a fabulous shop! I didn't know about it which is sad! But I did go to The City Quilter when I was in NYC last year :-)

  13. gah!! I can't believe that Marimekko flagship shop (and that we missed it!!). And the Orla Kiely around the corner from Purl Soho!! There is always more to see, always so much more to add to the list.

    Thanks so much for sharing your awesome pics, they make me want to fly straight back over there. Cat

  14. thanks for sharing ... trying not to drool!

  15. Even more reasons for New York to be on my wish list of places to visit.

  16. Eye candy! And YES, you showed remarkable restraint -- but I love your fabrics. I would love to go shopping with my daughter in this are of NYC. She lives in Brooklyn.

  17. I visited every Marimekko store I could find while I was in Finland..the hardest part was knowing that I had luggage weight restrictions going home.

  18. Thanks for sharing your trip with us! It has been interesting to see something new through your travels. Much safer to watch you use your restraint than wonder if I would have any with those fun fabrics!

  19. Love the photos of the Maimekko ~ it's such pretty fabric and just love anything Orla Kiely.
    I was in Seattle a few months ago taking a class with Katie Peterson (it was so fun to meet her) and I stopped in a Marimekko shop, love their fabrics ~ I'm surprised you didn't leave with more!

  20. Great restraint indeed! How can you resist!...

  21. I've loved reading your new york posts so much!

    we were lucky enough to be there last october and I followed your footsteps in many cases, spending two whole afternoons in purl where the staff were so helpful and polite in that wonderful american way ... soho was a great place to stay ...

    thank you and happy sewing,

  22. I have loved Marimekko since I was in college over 40 years ago. I am happy to see that they are still going strong, but sad that there is not a store close to me. Thanks for the peek at the store.

  23. Thanks for the pictures.It`s fantastic!!.

  24. How did you only buy three and why those three? I would be a puddle of indecision.


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