Thursday, September 23, 2010

And sew on

The Dream On Quilt top came together like a dream.  Phew!  If only all things were as simple as that, although it did take longer than anticipated resulting in another late night sewing session.

Fortunately it is school holidays which is, as always, marked by a lack of routine.  What's more, my 15 year old son is on a school trip to Ireland to play Gaelic Football.  It means one less hungry mouth to tend to but on the other hand my mind wanders frequently to Dublin time and his itinerary.   Ireland is a long long way from home.

This week there is also a touch of Spring in the air, with a promise of more beautiful weather on the weekend.  Today is overcast but not cold, the heater is off for the first time in quite a while.

With the quilt top finished I am ready to start working on the backing.

Thank you for stopping by,


  1. Wow, I really like it. The simplicity makes the fabric really stand out!! ;-D But that is true of all your quilts--very crisp and colorful!!

  2. Very nice colors - a nice splash of spring color to remind us of better weather days :).

    Ahhh - your son is away from home :(. Extra hugs when he comes back!

  3. Looking lovely. The late night was worth it.

  4. You are amazingly fast.

  5. love it- cant wait to see the end result

  6. So pretty - that line was just made for simple patchwork with white!

  7. Question: do you cut each square individually and piece as such, or do you do strip piecing then cut into units? The results are always lovely, by the way!

  8. It's beautiful Rita! I LOVE this line!!!

  9. Beautiful as always - simple is best!

  10. I feel for you with your boy away! It will go by quickly! Simply gorgeous quilt, as always!

  11. Ooh, great quilt. It's funny because the DW was just talking about your quilt when I surprised her with some Dream On I had just bought.

  12. Dreamin'--really like the vintage look. I have been so excited about AMH. And some is on its way to me already. Hurry, hurry, hurry...

  13. Really, really like this quilt...very pretty!!!!

  14. I love that fabric and look forward to buying some! It feels soft and comfy!


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