Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Stash #156

Riley Blake ~ Cotton Dots (Small)

Small Dots by House Designers for Riley Blake:  another great selection of regular dots in a rainbow of colors.  From left to right :  Lavender, Aqua, Green, Yellow, Orange, Hot Pink, Red, Black, Brown and Navy.

Cotton Dots - Small - by Riley Blake Designs ~ available from:
Fort Worth Fabric Studio

And also ...  (these graphic prints are fantastic) ~

GeoCentric by Michelle Engel Bencsko for Cloud 9 Fabrics
100% Organic Home Decor Cotton Canvas
Clock-wise from top: 
 ZigZag in Coral
Trident in Daffodil
Circles in Turqoise and Metal

I am thinking pillow covers for these bold prints!  

Geocentric - Cloud 9 Fabrics ~ available from:

Enjoy Sunday!


  1. Those spots are just gorgeous, lovely colours.

  2. I've been eyeing off GeoCentric for pillows too! So perfect!

  3. I enjoy your blog. I like your labyrinth pattern and want to know if the block is difficult to piece. I can't quite see the main block.

  4. Oooooh! I love the spots a LOT!! Can't wait to see what you make with them! xx

  5. Loving the graphic prints, Mmmm would make great cushions.! Kx

  6. I am LOVING the GeoCentric ZigZag fabric! I looked at purchasing it from a few of the sites above, but it says coral...I thought it looked red. Would you be able to tell me if it's more red or coral? {I'm re-doing my son's room in nautical, blue, etc}

  7. I love the fabrics that you share. I have a question for you, though. When you get fabric like those cute dots in all those bright backgrounds, do you also yearn for those same colors in dots on a white background?

  8. Two very interesting ranges there. You made me remember the pile of dottie fabrics I cut into. I still have to use them =D

  9. Just came upon one of your quilts on Pinterest and thought it was so striking! Started looking for you on the Internet and absolutely love your quilts! I've been mostly a traditional quilter for about 15 years but I am loving the more modern, fresh styles. I love your work and color choices! Seeing all your quilts is motivating to me to take a turn in my quilting to a more modern approach. Thanks for sharing all your beautiful quilts!

  10. Can you please tell me what type of batting you use for your quilts? Thanks! I really love your creations. They've inspired me to quilt again.


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